family family n. 家族; 家門, 家系; 名門; 子女, 子供; 民族; 〔言語〕 語族; 〔生物〕 (動植物分類上の)科. 【動詞+】 abandon one's family 家族を見捨てる It broke up the family. そのために一家は離散した a good place to live or to bring up a famil
it is a plucked string instrument of the lute family and has a round sound box and a short neck . リュート属の撥弦楽器で満月のような円形の共鳴胴に短い首(琴杵)を持つ。
biwa (biwa , biba , pipa ) is one of the stringed instruments of the lute family in east asia . 琵琶(びわ、ビバ、ピーパー)は、東アジアの有棹(リュート属)弦楽器の一つ。
according to the taxonomic classification of musical instruments , shamisen belongs to ' lute family .' 三味線は楽器分類学上「リュート属」に属する。
stringed instruments of lute family , having an oval body covered with skin and attached to long cylindrical neck , were already drawn in wall paintings of ancient egypt . 楕円形の胴に革を張り、棒状の長い棹を取り付けたリュート属弦楽器は、すでに古代エジプトの壁画に見られる。
in a broad sense , stringed instruments of the lute family such as genkan (ruanxian ) (four or five-stringed chinese lute ) and gekkin (moon harp ) are sometimes included in the biwa group . なお、広義には阮咸(げんかん)や月琴などのリュート属弦楽器も琵琶に含めることもある。
on the other hand , instruments with the neck and the body united in a single body or something close to it , like biwa (japanese lute ) or lute , are considered to be of a different type , even within the same lute family . いっぽう同じリュート属でも琵琶やリュートなど棹と胴が一体化もしくはそれに近いものとは別の系統とされる。