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lute family 意味

"lute family"の例文


  • リュート族
  • lute     lute リュート
  • family     family n. 家族; 家門, 家系; 名門; 子女, 子供; 民族; 〔言語〕 語族; 〔生物〕 (動植物分類上の)科. 【動詞+】
  • lute    lute リュート
  • lute-    {連結} : luteo-の異形{いけい}◆母音の前で
  • japanese lute    楽琵琶{がくびわ}、琵琶{びわ}
  • lute player    びわ法師
  • pluck the lute    リュートを爪弾く{つまびく}
  • tune a lute    リュートを調弦{ちょうげん}する
  • a little rift within the lute     a little rift within the lute ((やや文))不和[分裂,狂気]のきざし. (a ?ilíttle?j ríft withín ?min?n the lúte
  • biwa (japanese lute)    biwa (Japanese lute) 琵琶 びわ
  • lute society of japan    {組織} : 日本リュート協会◆【URL】http://plaza27.mbn.or.jp/~lsj/japanesetop.html
  • a family    a family 一家 いっか いっけ 一族 いちぞく
  • family     family n. 家族; 家門, 家系; 名門; 子女, 子供; 民族; 〔言語〕 語族; 〔生物〕 (動植物分類上の)科. 【動詞+】 abandon one's family 家族を見捨てる It broke up the family. そのために一家は離散した a good place to live or to bring up a famil
  • family of    一群の
  • in the family    in the family 家庭内 かていない


  • it is a plucked string instrument of the lute family and has a round sound box and a short neck .
  • biwa (biwa , biba , pipa ) is one of the stringed instruments of the lute family in east asia .
  • according to the taxonomic classification of musical instruments , shamisen belongs to ' lute family .'
  • stringed instruments of lute family , having an oval body covered with skin and attached to long cylindrical neck , were already drawn in wall paintings of ancient egypt .
  • in a broad sense , stringed instruments of the lute family such as genkan (ruanxian ) (four or five-stringed chinese lute ) and gekkin (moon harp ) are sometimes included in the biwa group .
  • on the other hand , instruments with the neck and the body united in a single body or something close to it , like biwa (japanese lute ) or lute , are considered to be of a different type , even within the same lute family .
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